What period is this data for?
(eg: July 1st 2009 – June 30th 2010 or April 1st 2009 – March 31st 2010 or Jan 1st 2010 – Dec 31st 2010)
No. of full-time equivalent chargeable equity Directors in the last 12 months
(Do not include salary directors who do not have an equity stake - put them into the next line. Do not include directors who may be shareholders who do not have an active role in the business)
No. of full-time equivalent chargeable people excluding equity Directors
(Include all people who are part of the accounting team (except equity directors) - managers, accountants, administration etc. If you have 10 full time and 3 part time people who work 50% each then put down 11.5 people)
No. of full-time equivalent people in non-chargeable support roles
(Only include the total number of non-chargeable people. So if you have 4 admin people and 2 of them are 50% chargeable each then put this number as 3)
What was your opening WIP (Work in Progress) $ balance (excluding GST) on the first day of the month at the start of the 12 month period
(Please include total $ value of WIP on chargeable client work at start of the previous year)
What was the total number of chargeable client hours that made up the opening WIP balance
(Please include total $ value of WIP on chargeable client work at end of the previous year )
What was your closing WIP $ balance (excluding GST) on the last day of the month at the end of the 12 month period
(Please include total $ value of WIP on chargeable client work at end of the previous year)
What was the total number of chargeable client hours that made up the closing WIP balance
(P(Please include total number of hours of WIP on chargeable client work at end of the previous year)
What were the total gross fees charged to WIP (excluding GST) and before write offs/ons
(If you have financial planning, finance or any other commission based revenue then DO NOT include it. We are interested here in fees derived from the accounting business only. Also back out any people who may work in those divisions.)
What were your WIP write-ons (+) or write-offs (-) excl GST and before billings
Enter as a dollar amount. If a write off then put a negative symbol (-) in front of the number. If a write on then a whole number as a positive.
What was the total number of chargeable client hours that were charged to WIP (before invoicing) - excluding Directors
(Only include hours that are client related. Do not include training hours that would normally be written off. Do not include units - only whole hours. We want to determine the average hourly rate and productivity with this number. This number must be filled in to get an accurate equation. We do not want partner charged hours in this equation as we are measuring productivity of partners and the rest of the team separately)
What was the total number of chargeable Director hours that was charged to WIP (before invoicing) last year?
(Include ALL partner charged hours to clients. The equation will work out the average partner productivity)
What was your opening debtor balance (excluding GST) on the first day of the month at the start of the 12 month period
What was your closing debtor balance (excluding GST) on the last day of the month at the end of the 12 month period
(Please include amounts receivable from clients, excluding GST )
What other income was earned in the period (excl GST) such as commissions, success fees, brokerage?
(Include financial planning or any other commission based revenue here. Other income would also include items that are associated with the accounting firm like seminars, endorsement fees or special projects that did not involve a time cost method.)
Please make any relevant notes here regarding extra income or leave blank
What were the total team member salaries - all team excluding equity Directors
(This number is driving the gross profit of the firm which will be revenue billed minus all labour costs. Make sure you include the salaries (including super) of all team members - excluding director salaries)
What were the total Directors salaries paid for the past 12 months
If you do not have a corporate structure where directors are paid an annual salary then make sure you add in a notional salary per director of $150,000 so that commercial EBIT and commercial valuations can be determined.
What were your total operating expenses last year excluding all salaries - (including depreciation but excluding interest).
Include all office overhead costs